Conditional Filter Field in Preparation Actions of a Report an report Elements

Posted almost 4 years ago by Steffen Bartschat

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Steffen Bartschat

It would be great if it would be possible to make the Filter actions in the preparation Actions of an report and report elements  conditional:

Use Case:

Report for an Sales Organisation. You have several Aggregation Levels:

Sales Person

Sales Person supervisor 

VP of Sales

The report of the Sales person supervisor is an aggregation of an set of the sales Person Reports. There are report Elements which have an individual Filter.

Based on the data structure i am filtering for the Sales Person Report to the Sales person, for the Sales person supervisor to sales Person supervisor.

In connection with an Report Parameter it would be possible to realize all aggregation levels in a single Report and could set individual Filters in connection with a report Parameter. Filters would only become active if the set conditions are met,

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