M&D Filtering with double quote in value

Posted 12 months ago by Emmanuel Blackshear

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Emmanuel Blackshear

Having issues filtering on fields that have double quotes in the value of the field.  Do you have any suggestions to get around this? 

The error message: 

It would be a name like [ ABC Distribution “The ABC company” ]
The filter of field 'OrganizationName' in datasource 'Distribution List' could not be set because none of the supplied values could be selected. This is the case if none of the supplied values is a value of that field or if none of the supplied values are compatible with the current selections in the DataSource.

Can anyone help with this issue?

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Olexandr Korsikov posted 7 months ago

I have the same issue.

When using Self service extension. Value with double quotes is missing in report. 

For example.

Current selection values are:


E "English" 

report contains only 


M&D Version is 3.3.0

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Emma Camacho

Emma Camacho posted 12 months ago Admin

Are you using a cycle? 

regards, Emma

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