Applying the expression MID to a parameter cycle field

Posted 16 days ago by Malcolm Stimmler

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Malcolm Stimmler

Hi Mail & Deploy colleagues,

I'm having difficulties cycling through a list of invoice numbers. Previously my onvoice numbers had this format: 12345678 and Mail & Deploy worked perfectly with them.  As far as I can see these numbers are seen as datatype String.  As from this year the invoice numbers look like this:

U1234567 and Mail & Deploy comes with an error that the the form at of the importstring is not correct in the cycle field 'Invoice number'. Could anyone tell me how I can solve this? I'v tried using the expression MID(Invoicenumber 2, 7) but that is still causing an error.

Thanks a lot for your help.

Malcolm Stimmler

Mail & Deploy user Saltro the Netherlands.

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Emma Camacho

Emma Camacho posted 13 days ago Admin

Dear Malcolm,

The easiest way would be to make this Field explicitly a text field. Something like


 text(invoicenr) as invoicenr


kind regards, Emma

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